Thursday, July 22, 2010

8 Home Based Business Opportunity Questions to Ask

Investigating Home Based Business Opportunities

Are you thinking about investing in a home-based business opportunity? Before you part with your hard-earned money, keep in mind that home based business schemes abound and the adage, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is" is especially important to remember. Therefore, it's very important that you do your homework.

Here are some questions you should ask before you commit to any home based business opportunity, as suggested by an About Home Business subscriber, AnnaLaura Brown. While the questions should not be considered all-inclusive because what you'll need to know largely depends on the type of home-based opportunity you're considering, they will at least get you started on on the right track.

What are the Startup Costs for this Home Based Business Opportunity?

How much are the start up costs for the home based business opportunity you're considering? Are there ongoing costs? If so, what will they entail and how much are they?

This is especially important if you are very low on funds, and these days who isn’t? Often a business can cost more to start than it may appear in the beginning. It is also important however, to realize that you have to spend money to make money.

What Kind of Training and Support are Available with the Home Based Business Opportunity?

The training and support offered by a company will make a huge difference in your success. Do you have a quality up line with good ethics and leadership skills? Are they dedicated to helping you succeed?

If the training materials and company leadership are good, you will grow your business faster and it will be easier to succeed.

What are the Rules for Advertising and Promotion?

Many home business opportunities have rules regarding how and where you can advertise. In some cases you may have strict limitations, and in others you may be able to do more or less whatever you want. In any case, it is very important to know and understand what you can and cannot do. For example, the company names are often copyrighted and/or trademarked and therefore you are not free to use them in your advertising without permission.

The more options you have for selling your products and or promoting your opportunity the easier it will be and the more money you will make.

What is the Realistic Income Potential for this Home Based Business Opportunity?

Some businesses have considerably more income potential than others and before you invest your time and money into any home based business opportunity, you should understand how much you could realistically expect to make.

It's also important to understand what your breakeven point is for any business opportunity you're considering and how long it may take for you to actually reach the level of income that the home based business opportunity claims is possible.

How Long Has the Company Offering the Home Based Business Opportunity Been in Business - Do They Have a BBB record?

A brand new company has no track record and it can therefore, be unstable. A company which has already been in business for a few years has the advantages of new opportunity along with stability while an older company already has a lot of reps and customers and it may be more difficult to find your own and the market may be "tired".

What is their Better Business Bureau record?

If it's perfect then you know you are dealing with a great company. If it's less than perfect but it still has a good record then you know it's reliable. If its record is bad, then stay away: It's probably a scam.

What Products or Services are Involved with this Home Based Business Opportunity?

What are their products like? Are they high quality? High quality products will endure and sell better than products of a questionable quality.

Is the product consumable? Will people reorder the products? Consumable products offer the business owner more money because people will reorder and buy more. Non-consumable products can only be sold once and then you have to go out and find more customers.

Are There Quotas or Minimum Inventory Requirements for this Home Based Business Opportunity?

If you are required by the company to buy a large quantity of products on a regular basis then it can be difficult to maintain the business or it can be financially stressful if you need to temporarily stop working your business. The last thing you want is a basement full of unused products.

Are the Products or Services that this Home Based Business Opportunity Will Offer Affordable?

The majority of the population must be able to afford the products or services the home based business opportunity is offering to customers. The more expensive the product or service, the harder it will be to sell and your target market could be very limited because fewer people will be able to afford it.

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